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22 Dec 2016 /Industry 4.0, Events

iFAKT took part in the Franco-German Digital Conference in Berlin

On 13 December, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Sigmar Gabriel and his French colleague Michel Sapin, Minister of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs, held the Franco-German Digital Conference in Berlin under the headline of “Joining together to drive forward the digital transformation of our economies”. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande participated in the event, as did more than 300 high-ranking representatives of start-ups, international companies and public institutions.

Federal Minister Gabriel said: “Germany and France have a long-standing and close partnership and today’s conference helps to strengthen the digital foundation of this partnership and to drive forward the digital transformation of our economies."

Before the beginning of the conference, five expert workshops and a launch event for start-ups and investors were held. These addressed a wide range of issues including the digitalisation of production i.e. Industrie 4.0, creating growth for start-ups in Europe, the data economy, smart networks and the Digital Innovation Cluster.

This was the second Franco-German Digital Conference.

More information: German-French Digital Conference